Terms of Website Use (“TERMS”)

Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions

  • "Company" refers to 84i Limited trading as The Trademark Helpline.
  • "Client" refers to any business or individual engaging the services of the Company.
  • "Services" refers to the trademark services provided by the Company, including but not limited to trademark searches, applications, renewals, oppositions, and consultations as detailed in Section 3.
  • "Agreement" refers to the contract formed between the Company and the Client for the provision of Services.
  • "Subscription" refers to the ongoing service packages (Lite, Core, Elite) offered by the Company.
  • "Upfront Payment" refers to the payment made by the Client prior to the commencement of Services.
  • "Direct Debit" refers to the automatic payment method set up through GoCardless for subscription services.

2. Agreement to Terms

  • By making their first payment or any upfront payment, whether for one-off services or subscription fees, the Client acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
  • Subscription Payments: Monthly subscriptions are only available via Direct Debit through GoCardless. Clients are required to set up this payment method upon agreeing to a subscription service.

3. Services

The Company provides the following services:

  • Brand Audit: An analysis of the Client's existing trademarks and brand presence to identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential risks.
  • Trademark Search: Conducting comprehensive searches of existing trademarks to ensure there are no conflicts with the proposed trademark.
  • Trademark Application: Preparation and filing of trademark applications with the relevant intellectual property offices.
  • Trademark Monitoring: Ongoing surveillance of trademarks to identify potential infringements or unauthorized use of the Client's trademarks.
  • Trademark Renewal: Managing the renewal process for existing trademark registrations to ensure continued protection.
  • Trademark Opposition: Filing or defending against trademark oppositions, which involve challenging or defending trademark applications during the registration process.
  • Trademark Invalidation: Assisting in invalidating third-party trademarks that conflict with the Client's trademarks.
  • Cease & Desist Letter: Drafting and sending letters to third parties demanding that they cease any infringing activity.
  • Website Takedown: Assistance in removing infringing content from websites through official channels.
  • Social Media Takedown: Assistance in removing infringing content from social media platforms.
  • Companies House Correction: Assistance in correcting trademark-related records at Companies House.
  • International Trademark Applications: Handling trademark applications in jurisdictions outside the UK and EU, with quotes provided upon request.

4. Fees and Payment

  • Hourly Rate: The standard hourly rate for our Services is £99 per hour.
  • Subscription Services: The Company offers three subscription packages with the following terms:
  • Lite:
    • Monthly fee: £49.
    • Includes a monthly trademark monitoring report.
    • All other services are charged at the standard hourly rate of £99 per hour.
  • Core:
    • Monthly fee: £75.
    • Includes a monthly trademark monitoring report.
    • Includes 1 hour of service per month (equating to 3 hours per quarter).
    • Additional hours are charged at a rate of £75 per hour.
  • Elite:
    • Monthly fee: £125.
    • Includes a monthly trademark monitoring report.
    • Includes 2 hours of service per month (equating to 6 hours per quarter).
    • Additional hours are charged at a rate of £62.50 per hour.
  • Payment Terms:
    • For Lite services, payment is due upfront for any additional services rendered beyond the included monitoring report.
    • For Core and Elite services, the subscription fee is payable at the start of each billing cycle (monthly or quarterly), with additional hours billed at the corresponding rate.
  • Automatic Renewal: Unless otherwise specified, all subscription products will automatically renew at the end of their term. The Client will be notified before the renewal date and will have the option to cancel the subscription before it renews.

5. List of Services

Service One-Off Cost Approximate Hours Included within Subscriptions
Brand Audit £69 1 hour Core & Elite
UK Trademark Application *£299 3 hours Core & Elite
Additional UK Applications *£249 2.5 hours Core & Elite
UK Trademark Renewals *£249 2.5 hours Core & Elite
Additional UK Renewal *£199 2 hours Core & Elite
Trademark Monitoring £49 per month 1 hour/month Lite, Core & Elite
EU Trademark Application **£599 6 hours Core & Elite
Additional EU Applications **£549 5.5 hours Core & Elite
EU Trademark Renewal **£599 6 hours Core & Elite
Additional EU Renewal **£549 5.5 hours Core & Elite
Trademark Opposition £450 5 hours Core & Elite
Trademark Invalidation £450 5 hours Core & Elite
Cease & Desist Letter £99 1 hour Core & Elite
Website Takedown £99 1 hour Core & Elite
Social Media Takedown £99 1 hour Core & Elite
Companies House Correction £99 1 hour Core & Elite
International TM Applications Quote on Request Quote on Request Core & Elite


  • *Plus official fees to the UK IPO. Average fee is £250 based on two classifications and is not subject to VAT.
  • **Plus official fees to the EU IPO. Average fee is £920 based on two classifications and is not subject to VAT.
  • **The quoted hours include the cost of using an EU Trademark Attorney.

6. Client Responsibilities

  • The Client is responsible for providing accurate and timely information necessary for the provision of Services.
  • The Client must ensure that all trademark applications or related actions are lawful and do not infringe on third-party rights.

7. Confidentiality

  • The Company will maintain the confidentiality of all Client information unless required to disclose such information by law.
  • The Client agrees to keep confidential all proprietary information regarding the Company’s methods, practices, and fees.

8. Limitation of Liability

  • The Company does not guarantee the success of any of the services provided, including but not limited to trademark searches, applications, renewals, oppositions, or any other related services.
  • The Client acknowledges that the outcome of trademark services is subject to numerous factors beyond the Company’s control, including but not limited to the decisions of intellectual property offices and third-party actions.
  • No Recourse: The Client agrees that there will be no recourse against the Company in the event of an unsuccessful outcome. This includes, but is not limited to, chargeback requests, demands for refunds, or legal action through county courts.
  • The Client further agrees that they are not eligible to initiate a chargeback or demand a refund through any means, including county court action, based on dissatisfaction with the outcome of the services provided.

9. Termination

  • Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving 30 days' written notice.
  • In the event of termination, the Client shall pay for all Services rendered up to the date of termination.

10. Dispute Resolution

  • Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall first be resolved amicably through negotiation.
  • If a resolution cannot be reached, the dispute will be referred to mediation in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

11. Governing Law

  • This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.

12. Amendments

  • The Company reserves the right to amend these Terms of Business from time to time. Clients will be notified of any significant changes.

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