Ways to work with us


Comprehensive trademark services for all of your needs

A complete “Hassle Free” Trademark Solution

We are not simply a filing service. We will work on your behalf to ensure your application stands the best possible chance of being approved. We will help you with the research, make sure everything is filed correctly and provide on going support to protect your trademark.

Start protecting your brand, name, logo or tagline with a free trademark search:

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for a free consultation with one of our trademark advisors

How much does it cost?

Trademark Applications vary in cost depending on your requirements, where you wish to secure your brand and how many classifications you require from the standard list of classifications.

Classifications are a list of goods and services that you need to select in any Trademark Application to show the intended use of your mark.

UK Trademark Application

Register your Trademark within the United Kingdom. Includes a full brand availability report, advice and a dedicated expert to file your application.

UK Right Start Application

A UK Trademark Application payable over two instalments, ideal for Start-ups or SMEs who wish to manage their finances whilst securing their Trademark.

EU Trademark Application

A European trademark includes 27 European Countries within the registration. Includes a full brand availability report, advice and a dedicated expert to file your application.

International Trademark Application

These depend on the specific countries you wish to register your trademark in, including those countries which are signatories to the Madrid Protocol and/or Agreement.

Monitoring & Representation Services

Did you know trademark owners are responsible for enforcing their own trademark rights? That means, it’s up to you to know and take action when someone is infringing on your brand. With our Alerts Service, we keep a continuous eye on your protecting brand, so you can stay focused on your business.

Further work

Please note that should there be oppositions or objections to the registration of your trademark, further time and labour may be required to liaise with the relevant registrar and third parties to oppose such oppositions or objections; this time and labour are not covered in the fees above. If you wish to discuss the details of this clause, please contact us.

Question and Answers

Trademarks can be applied for a vast difference of owners including individuals, partnerships, Limited Companies, LLCs and more.

Trademark Registration is not solely for multi-million pound companies, in fact the majority of trademark infringement disputes we come across are associated with SMEs where court proceedings or a costly rebrand can financially cripple a successful business.

When applying for a Trademark you will need to include the goods or services you intend to use it for, these are called Classifications. Failure to include the relevant Classifications may result in improper protection and leave your Trademark vulnerable to infringements. Following your initial consultation we will recommend potential classifications you may require or alternatively you can see a full list of Classifications here.

Logos provide a visual representation of your business and play a vital role in establishing brand recognition with consumers. Because of this the vast majority of Trademark owners will secure their logo through a figurative Trademark Application.

Figurative applications will require further searches through similar image variants to ensure availability, for further information please contact us.

It is possible for two companies to register the same Trademark on the basis that the goods or services provided by both respective companies do not conflict. The intended use of each Trademark registration can be seen within the classifications provided within the registration details.

As there are multiple processes during any Trademark Application, it is difficult to predict the exact duration of an application to become successfully registered. As an approximate reference, we would expect successful UK Trademark Applications to be registered within 4 months whilst Community Trademark Applications take around 6 months

A Community Trade Mark (CTM) registers your chosen name throughout 27 European countries (including the UK) within one application. Rather than filing multiple individual applications through individual European territories, Community Trademark applications provide a more cost and time effective way to secure your Trademark across the European Union