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Domains and Websites: How Do You Stop People Using Your Brand?

In today’s digital world, protecting your brand online is as important as safeguarding your physical assets. Your domain name and website are key components of your brand identity and at the least are the online shop front for your business.

It’s therefore truly important to ensure they are protected from misuse or infringement by others. Here’s how you can stop people from using your brand without permission.

1-Register Your Domain Name Early and in Multiple Variants

The first step in protecting your brand online is to secure your domain name. Ideally, you should register your domain name as soon as you have established your brand (if not before), even if you are not yet ready to launch your website. It’s also wise to register multiple variants of your domain name, including common misspellings, different top-level domains (e.g., .com, .co.uk, .net), and other extensions relevant to your business. This strategy prevents others from registering similar domain names that could confuse your customers or dilute your brand.

Whilst prevention (securing lots of domains) is better than cure (having to stop somebody using a domain name), you may not want to go down the rabbit hole dozens of different domain variations with ongoing hosting fees attached to them which is why Step 2 which is securing a trademark is the best approach to domain and brand protection.

2-Trademark Your Brand Name and Logo

The most effective ways to protect your brand online is by registering it as a trademark with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO). A trademark gives you exclusive rights to your brand name and/or logo, specifically within the sectors that you operate, allowing you to prevent others from using a similar name or logo in connection with the same or similar goods or services. This protection extends beyond just your website or domain name; it covers the use of your brand across all platforms, including social media, e-commerce sites (like Amazon or Ebay) and out in the real world too!

3-Monitor and Enforce Your Rights

Once your brand is trademarked, it’s essential to actively monitor the all the platforms where you brand can be infringed upon for any unauthorised use of your brand.

This can be done through various tools that track the registration of domain names similar to yours, as well as monitoring social media and online marketplaces for counterfeit products or brand infringement, plus there is also companies house where people register names without thinking to check if somebody else is using it.

If you find someone using your brand without permission, you can take action quickly to enforce your rights, to reduce the likelihood of a ‘battle’ over your brand, trademark or domain reducing the likelihood of escalating costs to enforce your trademark such as initiating legal proceedings.

4-Use the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP)

If someone has registered a domain name that infringes on your trademark, you can use the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) to challenge and potentially reclaim the domain.

The UDRP is a process established by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to resolve disputes over domain name registrations.

If you can prove that the domain was registered in bad faith and is being used to profit from your trademark, you may be able to recover the domain name.

This is the true power of registering a trademark as it allows you to enforce your rights directly through platforms ie. Google, Amazon, Ebay, Instagram, Facebook and the domain platforms.

5-Consider Brand Protection Services

Several online services including the Trademark Helpline can help you protect your brand by monitoring the internet for brand infringement and domain name abuse. These services often offer a range of tools, from domain name monitoring to automated takedown notices for counterfeit listings. Using a brand protection service like all good services, ensures vigilance and provides you with accountability over your trademark protection, whilst saving you time and money by ensuring that any misuse of your brand is swiftly addressed.

6-Establish Clear Brand Guidelines

Creating and enforcing clear brand guidelines can help prevent others from misusing your brand. These guidelines should outline how your brand name, logo, and other assets should be used and provide instructions for third parties, such as partners or affiliates, on how they can legitimately use your brand. By setting these boundaries, you reduce the risk of your brand being diluted or misrepresented.

7-Secure Your Social Media Handles

In addition to registering your domain name and trademark, securing your brand’s social media handles is important. Even if you’re not planning to use a particular platform immediately, it’s a good idea to reserve your brand’s name on all major social media networks. This prevents others from using your brand’s name to create misleading or fraudulent accounts.


Protecting your brand online and anywhere in the public domain requires a proactive approach, combining domain name registration, trademarking, monitoring, and enforcement.

By taking these simple steps, you can safeguard your trademark and your brand’s reputation, prevent unauthorised use, and ensure that your customers can trust that they are dealing with the genuine article.

Whether it’s your domain name, website content, or social media presence, securing your brand online is an essential part of any modern businesss strategy.

Picture of Jonathan Paton

Jonathan Paton


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