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Hints, Tips and Tales #4 – What’s your call to action?


The Story

I want to talk to you about client engagement and what we’ve learned works.

For some background, we keep in regular contact with the majority of our Trademark clients by way of a 6 monthly check in.

We run our 6 monthly service calls to check what they have currently is sufficient for their needs so we enquire about new jurisdictions they may want to operate, or new business activities that may not be covered by their current trademark registration. We also check simple information like contact info and address as these can often change as businesses grow.

We also deliver monthly reports on potential infringements to the majority of our clients. On the occasions when those reports have a potential infringement it is essential we speak to those clients quickly so that we can help them take quick and decisive enforcement action. We send them notification of this via email.

The issue is that our customers are all busy so often it can be hard to pin them down to a call when you need more than 10 minutes of their time.

Historically we would attempt to call them with some degree of success. However, for some reason, we didn’t email them again.

Also, even though we were using WhatsApp for marketing and client updates we weren’t using it for renewals. Why? I can’t tell you, but we do now and thank heavens we do.

We had also completely overlooked Royal Mail. Given the issues with Royal Mail of late, we can all understand why, but sometimes there isn’t a substitute for a letter on somebody’s desk.

Now, I know you may be thinking about having to print loads of letters and lick a load of stamps but today we have access to platforms where you just load in the letter, select black and white or colour and off it goes. Zero hassle. You can even automate it via your CRM software.

So, What Are the Hints and Tips for This Tale?

Hint – It’s all about call to action

Once we were using all the contact platforms effectively there was one change that massively increased scheduled calls with our trademark customers. The Trademark Helpline changed our call to action from “Please call us” to “Schedule a call online”.

That one simple change from a bit of technology increased passive engagement by over 20%. What’s more our clients are able to reschedule calls online too, saving both of us time and therefore money.

Tip – If you don’t have a booking system in place, the most popular one is Calendly and works very well. But before you spend money, check whether there is a booking function built into your existing software package.

If you want any guidance on the above feel free to reach out to us on enquires@thetrademarkhelpline.com or better still book an appointment with one of our team here we’re always happy to help.

Picture of Jonathan Paton

Jonathan Paton


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