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Hints, Tips and Tales #7 – The Tale of an Unexpected Turn


The Story

You may or may not know that my background is in Financial Services, Sales, and Marketing. I am most well-known for my work in supporting financial adviser and legal claims businesses. People often wonder why I created The Trademark Helpline when I had no experience in trademark law. The answer is simple: I saw an opportunity.

To understand that opportunity, let’s rewind back to 2016. At 26, I decided to set up my own business after successfully helping build a mortgage and insurance team from £5,000 to £150,000 of revenue per month. It was frighteningly easy, and I began to obsess over the future with a plan to get bigger, do less work, and make more money.

Within months, working from my dining table, I was earning more money than I ever had in my life, but I was so unprepared for earning money that it kept me awake at night wondering if I was doing something wrong, could it really be this easy?

I started to panic and look for ways to protect myself, unable to see that the best position was the one I was in.

So, What Are the Hints and Tips for This Tale?

Hint – Plan for failure but prepare for success.

Whilst I like the rest of the world couldn’t predict what was coming, the decisions I made from that point on were poorly made. Everybody makes the wrong call from time to time, especially in business but it’s not about right or wrong. My 27-year-old self-made decisions based on what people would think if things went wrong, a need to impress people and compete, it wasn’t the decisions but the motivations that were wrong.

I truly believe you can take more personal pride in a bad decision with the right motivation over good (usually lucky) business decision that was ill informed.

Tip – Listen to the people who have nothing to gain from their advice

One resource I have found incredibly useful when in need of impartial ear useful is a Business Coach. We have many amongst our clients and network who all specialise in different areas and industries.

If you would like to learn how you can benefit from a free consultation with a qualified coach drop an email with a brief run down of what you are looking for to enquiries@thetrademarkhelpline.com with the title ‘business coach’



Picture of Jonathan Paton

Jonathan Paton


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