Hints, Tips and Tales #9 – The Trademark Helpline Trigger


The Story

When I started my new digital marketing business, I quickly landed larger clients with decent budgets. One of these clients was about to launch a new website with a new brand when they received a letter from a company in Dorset claiming trademark infringement.

Initially, I had no idea what a trademark was and thought it was only for big companies. However, after research, I realised this company was trying to prevent a competitor from going live. The trademarks, in my opinion, weren’t similar enough to warrant a rebrand. Yet, none of the local solicitors I consulted knew how to handle UK trademark disputes.

Now, digital marketing is an unregulated business and most certainly was when I went into it.

However, having only worked at a professional level in a regulated environment a lot of the people I was employing thought I was mad demanding things such as:

– Comprehensive fact finds as a reference point

– Fixed Pricing Structures

– Getting clients to agree to a brief prior to investing time into strategy

– ⁠Issuing contracts for services

And often saying “no, that isn’t something we can do or want to do”.

Every time I deviated from the path or process; it was quick wins with large consequences.

What’s more, I genuinely believe to this day that we failed to win quality business whenever we deviated from a structure.

So, What Are the Hints and Tips for This Tale?

Hint – Be the Example – Act Like You’re Regulated Even if You’re Not

In financial services, compliance is a daily norm. For The Trademark Helpline, acting like a regulated business means having structured processes for data protection, client transparency, and accurate financial tracking.

This approach is what led to procuring a better calibre of marketing client, which led to the Trademark ordeal with my client.

It was crucial this trademark obstacle was overcome which is what led me to delve deeply into trademark law. I realised that avoiding such issues from the start could save time and money.

Understanding UK Trademark Registration became crucial for my business.

The experience of nearly losing a significant business deal due to a trademark dispute led me to a revelation. Promoting trademarks wasn’t about selling an additional service; it was about protecting my clients’ brands. This realisation birthed The Trademark Helpline.

Tip – Opportunity often lies somewhere between Greed and Apathy

Want to dive deeper into digital marketing or understand more about regulations? Connect with me, Jonathan Paton, on LinkedIn and send me a message to start a conversation.


Need assistance with trademark registration, monitoring, representation, or other related services? Request a callback from our specialist here. Alternatively you can give us a call on 01618335400 Monday to Friday between 9am and 6pm, we’d love to hear from you.

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