How can you use your trademark as a Marketing and Promotional Tool?

Chapter 5 – The Power of Trademarks in Modern Marketing If you’ve ever worked with marketing agencies, or even have in-house marketing team, you’ll have heard the term digital marketing. Technical concepts like search engine optimisation are thrown around or maybe you’re being told that you need to be posting on social media every day […]
Social Media, Accounts and Handles, Who’s Enforcing Them?

Social media accounts and handles have become essential to any brand with the advancement of the digital world. More and more businesses are using the power of social media platforms to reach out to their customers. Hence the threat of brand infringement and misuse are high. But who can enforce their brand rights in cases […]
Apple, the MEGA brand – Legal rights and exclusivity

Chapter 4 – The Power of Trademarks in Modern Marketing Apple’s Secret to Protecting Their Brand- Learn from the Best If you want an example on how the Legal Protection that trademarks provide can save you money whilst maintaining exclusivity over your brand then look no further than Apple. Major brands and businesses ensure that they […]
MARVEL Studios show us how trademarks used well can become your biggest revenue stream

Chapter 3 – The Power of Trademarks in Modern Marketing Swapping Thor’s Hammer for Thor’s Lunchbox So how can trademarks and by trademarks, open up new revenue streams. Before we talk about revenue streams, to take a minute to think about your brand. Where would you rank your brand in your sector in terms […]
Learning from Coca-Cola – How can a trademark not only protect your brand but also help you generate more revenue?

Chapter 2 – The Power of Trademarks in Modern Marketing A UK trademark can be turned into bushes gold if you do it the Coca-Cola way (for 4p a Day!) I imagine when you read these articles you probably think they are loosely vailed attempts to disguise reasons you need a trademark as an education […]
Why Are Trademark Applications Going Up Year After Year?

Chapter 1 – The Power of Trademarks in Modern Marketing Did you know the UK has seen one of the highest increases in Trademark Applications in recent years growing by a whopping 80% from roughly 10,000 applications in 2019 to 18,000 applications in 2023! So why are more UK brands trademarking than ever before? I’ll give you three […]
Being More than just a Trademark Representative

Intro – The Power of Trademarks in Modern Marketing Marketing Have you noticed that we try to be more than just Trademark Representative’s? Did you know that our founder and MD (Jonathan Paton) worked in marketing and still consults on compliant marketing and sales processes for a wide range of businesses in the Legal and Financial Services spaces. He actually founded The […]
What is Trademark Trolling?

Trademark trolling refers to the practice where individuals or entities exploit the trademark system by registering trademarks, often on common or generic terms, with the primary aim of profiting through legal threats, demands for licensing fees, or settlements, rather than actually using the trademark in commerce. This practice is generally regarded as being in bad […]
What Protection Does a Name on Companies House Provide?

As a Trademark Registrar who has been in business since 2009 it still amazes us how many times, we encounter seasoned business owners with an amazing brand and when we ask if it is trademarked, they say “It’s okay, I have the company name” … So, what sort of protection do you get from a […]
Who are, the Intellectual Property Office?

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is the official government body responsible for intellectual property (IP) rights in the United Kingdom. As an executive agency of the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, the IPO plays a pivotal role in promoting innovation and economic growth by ensuring that individuals and businesses can protect and exploit their […]